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2022 - What a wonderful year for the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation23 Dec 2022

2022 - What a wonderful year for the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation

What a year 2022 was and you helped make it happen ❤


Christmas is fast approaching and as I look back on 2022 and the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation it can be said that it has been our biggest year of change since the Foundation began 27 years ago. 

I am proud to announce that thanks to the world emerging from restrictions and we could hold our signature events, the Rugby Long Lunch and Ladies Lunch as well as our online challenge Burpees4Boobs and many other community events we have raised close to $700,000. This is all thanks to your generosity and ongoing support of the Foundation.

Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation continues to fund a variety of initiatives, all focused on improving the care and treatment for breast cancer patients. Over the past 12 months your generosity has help us provide the breast cancer community at the Chris O'Brien LifeHouse with the following initiatives.

  • Reasearch Fellowship - Surgical - 1 Year Salary
  • Research Paper - "Fear of Recurrence"
  • Breast Care Nurse at Chris O'Brien LifeHouse - 1 year Salary
  • Massage Therapist at Chris O'Brien LifeHouse - 1 year Salary
  • SOZO Machine to help detect Lymphoedema 
  • Breast Check Shower Cards - unique to Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation and sent all over Australia
  • Our hardship fund helps people who come to us with a range of requests

I want to take this opportunity to thank our amazing surgeons, Sanjay Warrier and Cindy Mak, and medical oncologist Jane Beith who continue to ensure the care in the Breast Unit of Chris O’Brien Lifehouse is second to none and we look forward to working with you in 2023.

Another big change for the us is that the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation is now a stand-alone Foundation.  We continue to support the breast care unit at the Chris O’Brien LifeHouse, but we now also have the opportunity to help those in need in other hospitals and institutions.  We will be implementing a hardship fund for those who cannot afford vital therapies that make their breast cancer journey just that little bit easier. 

It is because of you, your donations and fundraising this year, that SBCF can ensure these programs receive the funding they need and continue supporting breast cancer patients.

Thank you, you have made a difference to so many.

We are looking forward to 2023 and one of our many plans is to build up our Early Detection Awareness program to help ensure that every one of all ages and walks of life understand the importance of early detection of Breast Cancer and how this can ultimately save lives. 

Stay safe, take care and don’t forget to be diligent with your checks. 

Many thanks,
Lynne Crookes, OAM,  

Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation Chairwomen

It was so good to have our events back!

The Rugby Long Lunch 


Our first big event back, face to face was the Rugby Long Lunch.  SO great to be back, Vince Sorrenti as brilliantly funny as ever, "Last Man Standing" Steven Bradbury entertained the crowd, the gorgeous and brave Jenny Oh shared her story, Dr Cindy Mak reminded us of why we were there, and we were lucky to get stars from the Women's Waratah's joining the panel for the first time.  Inspirational on every level from everyone involved.  Can't wait to do it all again in 2023.

The Ladies Lunch 

 Hearing the wonderful Clare Fab talk about her Breast Cancer journey and Assoicate Professor Sanjay Warrior reminding us why early detection is so vital brings home the importance of these big events.  To have the winner of the stunning Canturi bracelet also be a survivor made it even more special, Rachel Gilberts fashion was stunning and of course a delicious lunch with bubbles helped everyone enjoy their first ladies' lunch since 2019! 

A huge thankyou to our incredible MC Jessica Rowe and Angela Bishop for their ongoing friendship and support of the Foundation.

Jessica Rowe and all the amazing volunteers from HMAS Kuttabul

View the Ladies Lunch Photos here


Everyone still loving BURPEES??

Whether you burpee-ed throughout October or you sponsored a burpee-er, you made sure more people were talking about breast cancer, raising awareness of how early detection continues to improve survival rates and raised vital funds. 

Todd Liubinskas, SBCF Ambassador


The importance of Breast Cancer Awareness and what an incredible difference early detection means on a patient's ultimate diagnosis.

A/Prof Sanjay Warrier & (INSERTNAME)

Our Community Dug Deep


One of the most daunting parts of cancer treatment is losing your hair! In support of his beautiful wife who was mid treatment, Matt Seve rallied his friends and decided to hold a BALD AT THE BUENA community fundraiser.  Matt, Hamish and some amazing friends of the Seve's all had their heads shaved and raised a whopping $24,000 on a cold Sunday afternoon.  

Lindi Seve with Dom and Tony.

This money has been used to purchase the SOZO machine at the Chris O'Brien LifeHouse.

20% of Breast Cancer survivors will develop BCR lymphoedema. 

Lymph nodes are often removed during breast cancer surgery. Sometimes they are damaged by radiotherapy. When lymph nodes are removed or damaged, the natural flow of fluid from your breast and arm can be restricted. When this happens, swelling occurs and it is called lymphoedema.

SOZO Machine - helps diagnose Lymphoedema up to 8 months earlier than without the use of this amazing machine.

While there is no known cure for lymphoedema, early diagnosis and treatment make it easier to manage.

COBLH Nurses and the new SOZO Machine


Mosman Rugby Ladies Day

The annual Ladies Day at Mosman Rugby Club is an event not to be missed.  The Rugby Club has been a wonderful supporter of the Foundation for many years and it is always a treat to see the Rugby Men dressed in Pink and waiting on the ladies!

The SBCF stall  at Ladies Day run by volunteers, Issy & Gracie.

"We are just glad we can do our small part to help raise awareness each year in our community and support such a great charity at the same time"- Tom Jeavons-Fellows, President, Mosman Rugby Club




In 2022 we met the most inspiring women who shared their stories and asked them...

What does Christmas mean to you?

"Christmas is a time of year to be present and realise the moments of joy … sitting back with an extra-large cup of tea and watching the morning unfold with your family IS the PRESENT in itself" - Lyndal Thomas

Visit our socials to see meet all the inspiring women and their stories.



We are so proud to continue our Sponsorship of the Waratahs Womens Team in 2023.

We are not only supporting the Waratahs Women but also Sydney Women’s Rugby Union, Sydney Women’s 10’s Tournament, Sydney Women’s Sevens Tournament.

 Connecting with the rugby community through this partnership will help us spread our message even further.


We would like to say a BIG THANKS to Erika and Prue who have left the Foundation recently. Their commitment and dedication to SBCF has been much appreciated especially during the past few years.

We welcome Annie Zukerman and Eloise Bruining to the team, to see the Foundation through what is going to be a wonderful and busy 2023.


Please mark your calendars for our 18th annual Rugby Long Lunch, which will be held on Friday 2nd June 2023. We will keep you posted about when tickets become available in the new year. 

The Ladies Lunch will be back, bigger and pinker  - date TBC.