To prepare for the breast reduction she’s always wanted, Stev was sent for a mammogram by her GP, but wasn’t expecting the whirlwind that followed. A phone call from the doctor and a round of extra testing confirmed that Stev had ductal carcinoma in situ.
Soon after her diagnosis, Stev underwent a full mastectomy on her right breast with an implant. Within the same month, before Stev had recovered from her mastectomy, her doctor delivered more bad news – Stev had two tumours and impacted lymph nodes. After surgery, 4 rounds of chemo, 25 rounds of radiation and constantly feeling stuck between staying positive and thinking the worst, Stev was able to take a month off treatment to celebrate Christmas and her 50th birthday.
Throughout her diagnosis and treatment, Stev continued to be in awe of what the human body and mind is capable of. Fortunate enough to make her health her full-time job, Stev embraced the strength of her husband, family, and friends. With everyone taking care of her, Stev was able to completely focus on her wellness.