
At 36 years old, Rasha found a lump under her arm. Being 8 months pregnant with her son Elias, the GP assured Rasha that it was all part of the hormonal changes that came with pregnancy and breastfeeding. So, she carried on with life as normal. Between raising her son and working, Rasha was constantly on the go until the lump became so painful, she couldn’t ignore it anymore. Rasha visited a new GP to get another opinion, but this time, she was sent to have an urgent mammogram, and then a biopsy. In November of 2021, Rasha was diagnosed with Stage 3, Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma in situ. 


The treatment was extensive, but Rasha was prepared to start her journey through cancer. Getting through it was the only option she had, for herself, her husband, her son, and her loved ones. Rasha underwent 3 surgeries, five months of chemotherapy, and 25 rounds of radiation. As a new mum and wife, the challenges that came with recovery were more than Rasha could’ve imagined – from changes to her body and hair, to emotional changes that came from the ongoing hormonal treatment.  


As Rasha went through her diagnosis and treatment, she found the courage she needed through her faith, husband, family, friends, and doctors. For someone going through it, it’s hard to see the positive side. But it is okay, it is possible to overcome it and a diagnosis doesn’t mean it’s over.