
Nicole first discovered a lump on a Monday. By Thursday, after a mammogram and ultrasound, when her doctor sent her for more testing, Nicole knew something wasn’t right. After a biopsy and an appointment with a breast surgeon, Nicole was told she had cancer - triple negative breast cancer with a less than five percent hormone component. 

At 38 years old, and grappling with the shock of her diagnosis, Nicole found the hardest part was breaking the news to her family, especially to her mum and brother.  

Throughout her treatment, Nicole’s life became a series of medical appointments as she underwent 5 months of chemotherapy and a lumpectomy. Nicole attributes her recovery to her support network who was there for her every step of the way. By leaning on those around her, Nicole was able to find the strength to take each day at a time, and to focus on resting and preparing herself for the next chemo session. 

Despite fears that her cancer could reoccur, Nicole relishes in being on the other side of cancer. Today, Nicole focuses on her health, surrounding herself with her friends and family, and travelling the globe.