
At 41, Marylyn was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following a partial mastectomy and the removal of 9 lymph nodes, Marylyn underwent an extensive radiation therapy regime – 10 days of in-hospital radiation therapy using radioactive wires, followed by 6 weeks of outpatient radiation. 

For Marylyn, her diagnosis instigated a mental shift – she worked on getting fit, eating well, and surrounding herself with her family and friends.  

Even after 31 years since her diagnosis, Marylyn has continued to live her life to her mantra of wellness - she even walked over 28 kilometres across Sydney for the Seven Bridges Walk earlier this year. 

For those going through it, Marylyn reflects on the continuous improvement in breast cancer treatment over the past three decades, making breast cancer more treatable than ever before, with the survival rate after 5 years now sitting at 95 percent, as opposed to 86 percent when Marylyn was diagnosed. Her advice? Be positive, enjoy your family and friends, and most of all, focus on your health and happiness.